Writing Clips
Cowgirl in Paradise
(solo entrepreneur blog, underwritten by National Business Furniture)

A girl, her candy and the high school AV club
She started as a high school black market candy boss. Today, she owns her own media production company. How one entrepreneur accidentally discovered her passion.

Cat-wrangling on the high prairie
Clients are like kittens. You love them but they won’t stay put. How I balance client needs while I'm traveling for, well, other clients.

Don't be afraid to get paid
We know we’ve got the skills, and even connections to get started. But do we know what to charge for our services – and are we willing to ask for it?

Who do you love? (And how to love yourself a little better)
Five ways to be nice to yourself that don't take much time and (mostly) don't cost a dime.

Don't scratch
Patience is probably a virtue because if it was easy, it wouldn't be special. I'm working on it, but it's hard. Plus, my wood stove gets lit on a cold morning.
Healthcare/Wellness (Healthline)

Lung Cancer: Types, Survival Rates, and More
Lung cancer is the second most-diagnosed type of cancer in American men and women. Learn more about types of lung cancer, survival rates, and other statistics.

Stage 3 Lung Cancer: Prognosis, Life Expectancy, Treatment, and More
When lung cancer reaches stage 3, it has spread from the lungs to other nearby tissue or far away lymph nodes. Learn about symptoms, treatment, and outlook.

Facts and Myths About Life with SMA
Learn more about the facts and myths about life with spinal muscular atrophy.

Questions to Ask About Spinal Muscular Atrophy Treatment and Therapies
Learn what questions to ask your healthcare provider about spinal muscular atrophy treatments and therapies.

Three Sneaky Reasons Your A1c Levels Fluctuate
Learn more about three surprising reasons you may have difficulty managing your A1c levels.

Medicare Goes All-In on Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Program
DiabetesMine reports on Medicare’s new educational Prevention Program for Type 2 Diabetes -- who is eligible and why it matters.
B2B/Tech (various)

Why a local, multi-platform B2B marketing strategy matters
Without unlimited resources and a big, dedicated marketing team that includes strategists, data analysts, designers, writers and more, how does the average B2B company succeed at marketing?

There’s no place like home
Local business events offer value beyond great sales opportunities. Many local shows like the bi-annual Wisconsin Manufacturing & Technology Show, the annual BizTimes’ BizExpo and the Wisconsin International Trade Conference offer valuable educational programming, engaging speakers, awards presentat…

Seven steps to success with B2B print advertising
A single, sweating bottle of soda against a pure white backdrop might be all Coke needs to reinforce its already legendary brand identity, but that won’t work for most B2B companies.

Shrinking the Digital Footprint
Marketers, employers and creditors can track your private data. But there are ways to limit the exposure.
Features (various)

The New Entrepreneurs
They turned half-baked ideas into successful startups, took complicated problems and invented new technologies.

Brotherly Love
Against the advice of their father, brothers Joe and Paul Bartolotta opened an Italian-style bistro in the Wauwatosa village in 1993. The rest is Milwaukee culinary history.

Q&A: Kathy Mykleby
After almost 40 years in the business, Kathy Mykleby is Milwaukee’s matriarch of broadcast news. But how relevant is a TV news anchor these days? Is Milwaukee a good news town? Absolutely.

One Question
For our “serious” issue - the last before the November 4 election - we asked five elected officials to answer one question: what are the greatest challenges facing your constituency today, and how should those challenges be met in the next 4 years?
Commentary/Op-Ed (various)

Opinion: Municipal fiber is good for communities
Traverse City Light & Power (TCL&P) is planning to bring its already-extensive fiber network directly to all homes and businesses in Traverse City, with the aim of providing the highest

Bad Democrat: Wisconsin’s Small Government Experiment
Nobody in favor of small government has experienced it, though many of them have prospered without it, despite those pesky taxes. Are they really ready for what’s coming?

Bad Democrat: Tangled up in Blue
The Walker recall has me questioning the democratic process and what its priorities should be.

Editor's Desk: You don't get a medal for showing up
It was the dawn of the age of the soccer mom, the mandatory bike helmet, and reasoning with a 3-year old as a viable parenting theory. I almost fell for it.

Editor's Desk: Mavericks and Leaders
There are only three paths in life for a free spirit: lazy dreamer, maverick and leader. Of course there’s a fourth option, and one that many attempt – some to the end of their days – avoidance of embracing one’s true nature.
Arts & Culture
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